Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Baby video

I was so happy when the tech said we could record our ultrasound so this is the middle to end video. The beginning is just a bunch of still shots and measuring. Good news is everything measured perfectly, bad news is baby had its legs crossed so we didn't get a definite answer on the sex. Baby is making us wait until 18 wks to find out! Enjoy the vid =)
Here is the profile!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Great appointment!

On Thursday I had such a wonderful appointment. Every time I have gone my blood pressure up and this time it was great and not only that but we got to hear babies heartbeat on the doppler. It made me so happy to know that baby is in there all nice and snug and best of all....growing! I go back on Tuesday for another ultrasound for them to take some measurements so I am anxiously awaiting that so I can see the little person inside me again. The doctor also said that if baby is not being a stinker then they can take a good "guess" at the sex =) I will update soon!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Popped out!

Well, things have been going pretty good. Things at home are great, things at school are great. I feel GREAT!! I have had no morning sickness so that is such a blessing! I have on the other hand been eating almost everything I see! It's crazy for me to think that in a little over a week I will be done with my 1st trimester. It has gone by so fast! My next doctor appointment is on Dec. 16. I am not sure what kind of appt. it is or if we will get to see baby or not.
So after Thanksgiving I have not been able to fit into any of my pants anymore. I have ballooned out and it is not at all very comfy. I have been wearing the be-band which makes it a lot easier.

Here are some pictures below of my growing belly =)
6 weeks
11 weeks

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Baby's first pictures!

My first ultrasound appointment was on Wed, Nov. 18. I was waiting for that day for what seems like FOREVER! I had so many emotions going in; worried that something might be wrong, excitement for waiting to see the baby on the screen, and anxiousness for getting it started. As soon as she started I was searching all over the screen for the little flicker of the heartbeat.
The doctor kept stopping the image to explain what she saw, she said everything looked great and then zoomed onto the baby. That is when I saw the flicker. She turned on the volume and we heard the heartbeat. The baby's heart was beating away at 160bpm, which is awesome! Everything was perfect and it was just an amazing day to know that baby is indeed really in there and growing!!
As for my due date. They are keeping it at June 29, 2010. The baby was measuring 4 days behind that (which that is what I already figured since I am not a 28 day cycle) and they said as long as baby is measuring within 5 days then they keep it the same. is actually measuring for the due date of July 3, 2010. But with only 8% of women actually delivering on the due date both are just good estimates.

Okay so here are the pictures!

This is a 3D image of baby

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sharing the good news...

On halloween we decided to go ahead and tell our parents. We came up with a story about how we wanted to bring our dog Sophie over so we can show them her costume. We surprised them both by showing up with Sophie dressed up as a Big Sister!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lets start from the beginning...

On Sunday, October 25 I decided to take a pregnancy test. Before it was even done the wonderful + sign showed up. I was in complete shock and started a weird laughing/cry thing. Throughout the day I took a total of 3 tests since I was in total disbelieve =) Ben was at work that morning so I knew I could "surprise" him with the good news when he got home.

My surprise plan is as followed:
We got a package in the mail the night before that was never opened. I "opened" it and put my tests and 2 baby onesies inside. When Ben got home I asked him what the box was. He said it was just our paperwork. When he picked up the box he shook it and heard something inside. He opened it and pulled out the onesie. It took him a second to catch on but when he did he got a big smile and definitely was surprised.