Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jacie in 3D!!

The tech switched the screen today to 3D and got some pictures of her face. It was really crazy seeing that she looks like a real baby in there!! She is measuring right on track and is weighing in at 2 lbs. Her head was lodged "comfortably" in my ribs and she was folded in half. Her legs are all the way up by her head. I hope she isn't getting too squished in there since she better stay put for a while!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

6 Month survey

How Far Along? 26 weeks 3 days

Total Weight Gained/Loss? 10-12 lbs

Maternity Clothes? All I can wear now!

Sleep? Not so much... I can't get comfortable

Best Moment of the Week? Seeing Jacie's face in 3D! She is soooo cute!!

Movement? YES! As I type this I am looking down and watching my whole belly move and shake =)

Food Cravings? Not anything specific. I will eat almost anything and lots of it. I do crave chocolate every night though.

Food aversions? I dont know. It's just random but as soon as the food gets in my mouth I know that it better come out quick or it wont be good!

Morning sickness? NEVER!!!

Gender? Still a girl =)

Labor Signs? NO, NO, NO and let's keep it that way.

Belly Button? It's stretching out and getting shallow, but it's still in.

What I miss: I am wanting sushi and every now and then I just want to drink a margarita!

What I'm looking forward to: 3rd trimester! Only 4 days away.

Milestones? Being far along to take the glucose test...although not fun. Its crazy that I am already here.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Beaded Cross

My friend and co-worker Shanna made this pretty cross for baby Jacie's nursery. She used our colors and created her own piece of art work.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

6 months!

Which really means only 16 weeks left...ekk. The next coming month will be a busy one. Spring break is next week (Thank goodness!!!!) Then the next week I have my 1 hour glucose test and another ultrasound so the docs can get a better shot of her little heart, since at my 19 week appt she was laying funny and they didn't get a good picture although the doctor said it looks fine, they just want a better picture on file. Then I go back the next week for another regular check up. I get to spend a lot of time with the doctor this month. Hopefully the next months will go smoothly and my blood pressure stays under control so I don't have to see her anymore than normal.
This is also my last month of my 2nd trimester, which means I will soon get to experience the joys of the 3rd trimester. I can't lie...although I am sure I will groan and moan the whole time I can't wait!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

23 weeks

I really have nothing new to report for the last few weeks. I started feeling her move about 3 weeks ago and it is an awesome feeling and Ben even felt her move last night! I have been pretty tired and have been trying to deal with all the sicknesses that I keep getting from all my kiddos. I have my next doc. appt Friday for a regular checkup and then after that I start going every 2 weeks!!

On another note, we are still working on getting the nursery together. We have now gone though 2 crib headboards. They keep getting delivered damaged so maybe 3rd times a charm! I sure hope so!!!

Next week I officially start my 6th month! This is flying by!
I am bring brave and putting a full body shot...please excuse the puffy face!
Isn't my kitty cute?