Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

I am going to go overboard with these outfits!!

I have realized having a little girl is going to be hard on the wallet. I so badly want to buy all these cute little dresses and bows that I am finding online but am controlling myself. I did however cave in for yet another initial onesie. It is different than the other one so I convinced myself that its okay =) Etsy is not my friend. I have to stay off of that website!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Coming home outfit

I knew I wanted a monogram onesie/sleeper for her coming home outfit and we finally found one we both like =) I just ordered it so I won't get it for probably another week so hopefully it will look just as cute in person and of course her's will have a J =)

7 month survey + pictures

How Far Along? 31 weeks!

Total Weight Gained/Loss? 12 lbs still... haven't gained any this month

Maternity Clothes? my wardrobe now a days consists of a baggy t-shirt and pj pants...I only get dressed when I go to doctor appts

Sleep? Trying to get all I can while I can. I still toss and turn most of the night, but I think I am
sleeping better. It is probably because I know I don't have to wake up and go to work.

Best Moment of the Week? A good doctor appt and knowing she is growing how she is suppose to be.

Movement? Oh yes!! Somedays I feel like she doesn't stop.

Food Cravings? Right now, I really want pizza!!!! =)

Food aversions? Nothing lately.Morning sickness? NEVER!!!

Gender? Still a girl =)

Labor Signs? Nope, I haven't even experiences Braxton Hicks yet.

Belly Button? Still an inny

What I miss: Being able to be out and about when I want to. Bed rest sucks!!

What I'm looking forward to: reaching the 34 week milestone

Milestones? Making it almost 4 weeks on bed rest and not losing my mind!!!

"Good things come in large bellies"

31 weeks

Monday, April 26, 2010

31 weeks...tomorrow

Today I had my weekly appointment with the specialist. Everything is still looking awesome and they did a measurement ultrasound. When they first started she was opening and closing her mouth, so that was pretty cute to watch. She is head down with her arms and legs all bundled up but was moving them around like crazy. It was confirmed that she is a wiggle worm!! She kept moving when the tech was trying to get her heartbeat and the cord blood flow. We also got to see that she has hair, so she will not be coming out being a baldy! She is right on track with her growth and weighing in at 3lbs 8oz!! Her next measurement scan will be in 3 weeks. I will be 34 weeks then =)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Active much??

I can't believe how active this little girl is. She kept me up almost all night long!! I think she already has her days and nights confused!! First, its hiccups and then she starts doing gymnastics and karate all at the same time.

Jacie...I love to feel you move but lets try sleeping at night and be active in the day!! I want all the sleep I can get now since I know in a few short weeks I won't get any.

On Monday, we will find out how much she has grown in the last 3 weeks. Lets be over 3 lbs baby!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

~~My Bed Rest Buddy~~

A case of the hiccups!

I thought I had felt Jacie hiccup about 3 weeks for the first time, but I know for sure yesterday was the real deal. I was laying down doing my bed rest thing and I started feeling her move around. Whenever I feel her move I automatically touch my belly to feel her (I will miss that when I am not pregnant anymore). So, I have my hand there and start counting the "kicks" since that is also what I do when I start feeling her move. I start feeling a bump bump bump bump so rhythmic and when I got to 50 in my counting I just stopped and continued to just enjoy the show. It was very cute =) Also, she is being such a jitter bug today. I thinks he has moved more today then ever. It was been pretty much all day long with short breaks here and there.

We are both very happy that she is still where she is suppose to be at 30 weeks!! Won't be much longer now. Lets make it to 34 and then I will be able to breathe a lot easier!!!

Tomorrow, I have my only doctor appointment this week. Although I know I have had a massive amount of ultrasounds than the "normal" prego women, I still look forward to seeing her every time. I am pretty sure tomorrow will make it the 10th time for an ultrasound. They are reassurance that she is growing and doing what she is suppose to be doing.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

29 weeks

Well, I am still here on bed rest. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks now! I will say, although I get super bored, these past weeks have gone by pretty fast. I do have an update from my doctor... a good update. Since I have been doing good for these weeks(my bp is stable), I am back to only a once a week appt and a once a week sonogram. Once I hit week 36, then I will get my bi-weekly appts and bi-weekly sonograms. BUT...she did say she wouldnt be surprised if Jacie gets here in the first weeks of June, so I might not make it to 36 weeks. Either way, I am glad everything is looking good!!

We do have the infant care class on Monday night and since I can not attend :( Ben will be going and learning all about babies on his own and then tell me all about what he learned. I did want a "play" with one of those baby dolls like you see in the movies, but oh I said before, nothing is really working out the way I thought it would.

On that note, I come to my next baby shower! Of course I wanted the big fun "OMG" party before the baby gets here like most people do, but then again I can not. So instead, my aunt is putting together a web baby shower. Check out to learn now. I will have my own webpage and since we have nothing for Jacie, this is a necessity shower. We hope to get things that we really need for her first few weeks at home. Then sometime in July I will have my real party baby shower to celebrate Jacie!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

7 months!

Well, its definitely not the way I thought I would be starting out my 7th month but I have to keep my eyes on the prize... Jacie, of course!!! I had my first specialist appointment yesterday morning and now instead of moderate bed rest, I am on STRICT bed rest. I really wasn't expecting to continue it since my protein was normal and my bp was good, but he believes I am in the beginning stages of preeclampsia and all we can do is slow down the process because the only way to "treat" preeclampsia is delivery and we don't want to go there yet unless its absolutely necessary. I know whatever happens Jacie and I will be okay. I am going to the specialist once a week and my regular doctor once a week. Jacie will get seen twice a week on ultrasound, so if anything starts to look funny, they will catch it very quick!! The doctor did mention that if I can hold her in for the remainder of my weeks, I will be induced by week 38. So either way she will be in less than 10 weeks!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

A word you don't want to hear


Thats right. As of Friday I have been put on moderate bed rest or "house arrest." It means I can do things around the house, sit up or lay down. I can do a lot of thing around here but I CAN NOT leave!!! So, I am officially off of work until I hear otherwise. The doctors thought being a kindergarten teacher is too stressful for me right now but really I am a bit stressed about just up and leaving my classroom not being prepared for a sub, let alone being ready for maternity leave! So hopefully that feeling will go away and I can relax knowing that my 20 kiddos will be taken care of!!!

So heres the story. I went in Thursday and my bp was a little bit high but since I am now in my 3rd trimester they are now going to treat me extra special (their words). So the plan is, I go in once a week for an ultrasound to make sure baby is growing, has enough fluid, and is breathing on her own, going to see a high risk specialist and, they upped my bp med dosage. My doctor said right now everything looks fine and I have no reason to worry but if ever any of her numbers don't look good she is coming out!!

It was a pretty crazy appointment and wasn't expecting it to be like that at all. I told Ben, this is just going to be one of those quick boring appointments so he didn't need to come and then it turns out it was the most intense!

Before they sent me to the specialist they wanted to get a full round of blood tests and check for protein in my urine so the doctor would know exactly what was going on. On Friday I get a phone call from my doctor and she said that some of my numbers are borderline so I now on bed rest until all those numbers go down. All of these are signs pointing to preeclampsia. Hopefully with the modifications the doctor is making for me and the extra special attention Jacie and I will be getting it doesn't come down to that.

My specialist appt is tomorrow, Tuesday. So I hope to have more answers on to what is going on and what the next step is.

Positive thoughts everyone!!