2010 started out with us finding our we were having a baby girl.
I entered my 3rd trimester, saw our baby in 3D, and started to get the nursery ready.... BUT it also ended with the infamous 27 week doctor appointment.
On April 1, I received a phone call from my doctor that flipped my world upside down. I stopped working and spent the rest of April and most of May at the doctors office and spent my days laying down.
May 27 I then again received another phone call that CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER! We were sent to the hospital to have our baby girl. May 28 we became parents to the most wonderful
baby =)
June-August~~ we got to experience life with a newborn.
2 months old- August
On August 16, I had to do one of the hardest things and leave my baby to return back to work.
We enjoyed Jacie's new smiles and laughs.
We got to get in the "fallish" mood as a family for the first time. We went to pumpkin patches, craved pumpkins together and enjoyed Halloween with our ladybug.
Thanksgiving Day
December ended the best holiday season we have had yet!!!
It has been an amazing 2010 and I look forward to what is to come in 2011.