Well its Sunday night! We had a good weekend so I thought I would do a little recap to share. On Friday night after school I went to the Ranger game! I honestly can't remember when the last time I went was but it has been many years!! It was lots of fun even though we lost! There were fireworks at the end which was the 1st time I have seen fireworks at the ballpark before. I went with a few teachers from school.
Saturday we woke up and remembered our neighborhood was having a garage sale and I had wanted to go out and check it out! We drove around and stopped on a few streets and walked around to different sales. We found lots of good little people toys for Jacie including a farm and a car, some baby doll items and a few good books. For only $14 spent I think we got great items and honestly she has played with that farm lots already so I know she loves it. That night we went to the Cheesecake factory with my parents and she got a few more books from and Barnes and Noble after dinner. This kid loves books!!! We have already read The Three Bears 3 times since last night... she likes papa bears voice the best.
Today we played the morning easy. She played with her babies, and her new farm, and some outside. After nap we went to go get a snow cone! We then went to a park to eat it with her. She enjoyed a few bites but wanted to play more than eat. She was the only little kid there so she got the little kid park all to herself which is always nice! After the park to we to Taco Cabana for dinner. We came home, had a little bath and she is now in bed while her momma and dada get ready for the week ahead! I can't believe it will be May on Tuesday!