Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend recap!

Well its Sunday night! We had a good weekend so I thought I would do a little recap to share. On Friday night after school I went to the Ranger game! I honestly can't remember when the last time I went was but it has been many years!! It was lots of fun even though we lost! There were fireworks at the end which was the 1st time I have seen fireworks at the ballpark before. I went with a few teachers from school. 

Saturday we woke up and remembered our neighborhood was having a garage sale and I had wanted to go out and check it out! We drove around and stopped on a few streets and walked around to different sales. We found lots of good little people toys for Jacie including a farm and a car, some baby doll items and a few good books. For only $14 spent I think we got great items and honestly she has played with that farm lots already so I know she loves it. That night we went to the Cheesecake factory with my parents and she got a few more books from and Barnes and Noble after dinner. This kid loves books!!! We have already read The Three Bears 3 times since last night... she likes papa bears voice the best. 

Today we played the morning easy. She played with her babies, and her new farm, and some outside. After nap we went to go get a snow cone! We then went to a park to eat it with her. She enjoyed a few bites but wanted to play more than eat. She was the only little kid there so she got the little kid park all to herself which is always nice! After the park to we to Taco Cabana for dinner. We came home, had a little bath and she is now in bed while her momma and dada get ready for the week ahead! I can't believe it will be May on Tuesday! 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

23 months

I have no idea how it happened but there is only 1 more month and Jacie will be 2!!!

Favorite games this past month have been:
"1, 2 boo"- she runs into a closet and closes the door to only leave a crack, then she counts in a whisper "1, 2, 3" then pushes the door open and yells "BOO!"

Momma and dada playing baby- We are the babies and cry "momma" and she feeds us or gives us a bottle, then she gives us a big hug and tells us "its okay" Lately she has been playing baby and lets me hold her like a baby for maybe a few seconds ;) 

Doctor- She loves playing doctor with the kit she got for Christmas. She checks our ears, listens to our heart, tells us "ahhhh" to check our mouth, and gives us or herself shots and says "ouch ouch" and pretend cries.

"Catch you me"- that is what she calls when she wants us to chase her outside

She loves for us to make her stuffed animals cry and talk! Dada does it best! 

Makes an Elmo voice (high pitch) and a Cookie Monster voice (scary monster) !

Got her last top canine tooth. Now on to the 2 year molars!

Can count to 10 with a little help! I didn't realize this until a few weeks ago when I said "4"  after she said "1, 2, 3" and then she kept going! I was so surprised. She isn't perfect at it yet but we are practicing

Knows her last name. When asked what her name is she will say " Jacie _____"

Able to name lots of colors now and can ask for them by name in the bath tub when she wants the bath crayons or bath fizz tablets.

Made the switch to a toddler bed this month and did amazing!!!

Lost her interest in the potty this month. When asked she just replies "no" We still sit on it every once and awhile but no luck. Last week I did start her back at it after dinner setting a timer for 5 minutes just to get her back to getting use to it. Every time she points to her sticker chart and talks about her "sickers" (that don't exist yet)

Talks up a storm and repeats lots of things we say.

We are starting to be able to converse back and forth to her

Loves being outside and is constantly asking to go outside. She got a few new outside toys which makes it even harder to resist going. Both grandparents gave her some early birthday gifts so she can actually enjoy them before it gets way too hot. She got a play house and a water/sand table.

Before I took these pictures I  asked her "Do you want to take your pictures?" Jacie replied "No thank you!" At least she is polite =)

Well it is time to get done to business!!!  I only have 4 weeks to get my party planning on!!! 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Big girl bed!

Well I wasn't planning on doing the "big" switch until summer time but yesterday I was rearranging her room and thought, "I am going to do it!" I thought it was going to easy but it turned out to be a little harder than expected. After an hour and 1/2 it was done! At first I heard "Thank you mama" over and over as she climbed in and out of it but as soon as I put her babies in it she yelled "NO NO baby bed" and started throwing them out! I thought "oh no, what did I just do?!?" We talked a lot about it being her big girl bed and that she is a big girl!!
The true test was at nap time. I laid her down, closed her door and watched on the monitor as she got up many times. I heard her playing and a few sounds but for the most part she did stay quiet. About 30 minutes later she climbed back into the bed and went to sleep!! It was a success! Her room did look like somewhat of a disaster after nap time was over but I was so glad she did it!!
Bedtime went about the same expect she only got up once and was asleep within 10 minutes. When I went in this morning after she woke up, I noticed she had put a book in bed with her. She must have just wanted to read "one more" =)

Big girl sleeping in her bed!

** update** Night time #2 she did not get out of bed once!! She went right to sleep =)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bunny tails

How stinkin' cute are these???? I love them and hope my kinder kiddos do also!!! Tomorrow is my Friday and I am out until Tuesday! I am excited =)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Big girl

Yesterday at dinner Jacie sat in a booster seat! She did amazing!! She sat still the whole time and ate her food and kept it all on the table. She saw the seats on top of the highchairs when we went over and asked for it and sure enough she could use it!!! It's just another sign that she is becoming a big girl!! sigh....

On a side note, she is very in love with going outside!! It is one of the 1st things she wants to do when she wakes up on the weekends and the first thing she wants to do when we get home. If it was up to her she would spend all day outside. This weekend we started using a timer so she knows when the timer goes off it is time to come in. I don't mind being outside right now but I am not looking forward to the 100+ texas summer we are going to have in a few months. She did get a new outside toy last week and this weekend we built it. She definitely loves the house... especially the working doorbell =)