Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dress up characters

I should have enjoyed Santa, the Easter bunny and any other character is costume Jacies 1st year because now the moment she sees anything she freaks out! Tonight was just another example of her fear. We were eating at Rainforest Cafe and she was enjoying everything until she saw a tree frog dress up character walk out. At first it was just a whine followed by "hold me!" As the frog moved closer it became the loudest scream I have heard her scream before and that one was followed by "go home go home now!!!" My mom took her and they hide out in the bathroom hallway for about 10 minutes until the frog was out of sight!! We got home and she told her daddy all about it.

"Big big big green frog scare me... Jacie crying... Mamaw take me bathroom"

I am thinking she is not going to be over this fear in time for Santa pictures!! There is no telling how that will go!!!

.... She still talks about how the Easter bunny scared her.

I guess she is totally my child. I use to beg for my birthday to be at Chuck e cheese but as soon as he would come out I would hide under the table and scream! (True story) 


  1. Yeah, very common at this age I hear. Poor little thing!

  2. I get so jealous when I see toddlers with smiles in pictures with those people =)
